The Irresistible Groom: Texas Titan Romances Read online

Page 7

  “With your head injury …” He tried again. He couldn’t let her do this, and he wanted to spare Claire any pain. He was too far gone for her and felt like protecting her was his mission.

  Claire grabbed the ski he’d set on the back to dry and leapt into the water with it. Brig’s jaw dropped. Rudy roared with laughter. “Spunk. I love this girl.”

  Brig shot him a withering look. Rudy lifted his hands quickly. “Not like that, boss. You’ve got dibs. I got it.”

  “More than dibs,” Brig muttered, but did he really? Claire was one of the most impressive women he knew, and she hadn’t wanted to date him before her amnesia. He pushed all of that away, grabbed his life jacket, zipped it up quickly, and leapt back into the water. The cool liquid closed over his head before he bobbed up to the surface, blinking away the moisture and swimming over to where Claire was struggling to pull on the ski.

  She glowered at him. “You come out here to tell me I can’t do it?”

  Brig laughed. “I came to help.” He took the ski from her and grabbed the rope that was floating nearby. Looping the rope over his left hand, he held on to the ski with that hand as well and then wrapped his right arm around Claire’s waist, right underneath her lifejacket. He pulled her against him. Her waistline was trim and the feel of her skin under his fingertips sent his heart to pumping faster.

  “I’m pretty sure this isn’t the way to waterski.” She was focused on his lips, and her breath was coming almost as quick as his.

  Brig wanted to be alone with her and kiss her until she knew how he felt about her, that he’d always been half in love with her and now it was triple that. When her memory returned would this time spent together be enough to secure him a place in her life, or would she ditch him again?

  “I don’t know. This might be more fun than waterskiing.” Even with their lifejackets on they were close. When she wrapped her arm around his shoulders and her hand touched his bare flesh, a flash of lightning pulsed through him.

  “What’s your plan here?” she asked.

  To kiss you. To love you. To convince you I’m the one for you, he thought it all in rapid succession but he didn’t say any of it. “Pull us closer to the shore.” He called out to Rudy.

  “You got it, boss.” Rudy put the motor into gear and slowly tugged them toward the nearest bank.

  Claire stayed focused on his face as the boat pulled them. Brig relished having her in his arms. Rudy cut the motor and Brig touched the spongy bottom of the lake with his feet. He let go of the rope and tugged Claire around in front of him. Encircling her with his arms, he said, “Lift your right foot.”

  “Okay.” She leaned back against him, and Brig knew it was a very good thing they had lifejackets on. His bare chest touching her back might send him into heart failure.

  Brig’s breath shortened as he lifted her lovely leg and helped her get her right foot into the front boot and left foot into the back. His ski was much too big for her, and he didn’t plan on letting her ski today, but he could show her how. It was as good an excuse as any to have her close.

  “Lean against me,” Brig said.

  “No problem,” she whispered.

  Brig swallowed hard. He was going to tell Rudy and Beau to go for a long boat ride. He didn’t care that the sun was shining brightly and there were a few other boats on this lake. All he wanted to do was pretend he was alone with her.

  “Beau, get the red rope out of the seat next to you. It’s a deep V.” Beau complied and held the cheater rope up. “Perfect. Swap them out please.”

  As they waited for Beau to swap out the ropes, Brig savored every second of Claire floating in the water, leaning back against him. It would’ve been hard to balance herself with both feet in the ski, and Brig was grateful for the opportunity to hold her close. Beau threw them the new rope, and Brig put the tip of the ski through the V.

  “When you’re ready to ski this rope would help keep the tip straight. Much easier.”

  “You think I need easier?” Claire sassed.

  Brig laughed. “I think you could take on an army by yourself, but I don’t want you to drink the lake trying to get up.” Luckily, she was so small the boat would rip her out of the water if she could keep from being pulled over the ski and drinking a lungful of lake water. He didn’t know why he was playing along with the ruse that he was going to let her ski, but someday, he really did plan on helping her conquer the lake. “Your biggest problem is going to be keeping your weight back as the boat pulls you up,” he continued. “I want you to think about leaning back and putting pressure on your back heel. Keep the tip of the ski up, and you’ll get it.”

  “Tip up, weight back, pressure,” she repeated. Turning her head, she was inches away from his face. Her eyes flickered from his lips to his eyes. “I think I got it,” she said breathlessly.

  Brig’s own breath caught. He’d loved being on or in the water his whole life, but nothing had been as exciting as this interaction with Claire. “You’ll do great,” he said, resisting claiming her lips right then and there.

  She smiled and focused back on the boat. “Okay, I’m ready.” She called out.

  Brig gently took the rope out of her hands and tossed it to Beau. “Go for a drive,” he told Rudy.

  Rudy saluted him, engaged the motor, and the boat shot away.

  “What?” Claire turned to stare at him. “What are you doing?”

  Brig reached down and slid her feet out of the ski, they popped out easily with how small she was. He turned her in his arms, luckily she didn’t pull away or slap him or something.

  “I can’t let you ski, Claire. If you hit your head wrong …” He shook his head. “A second brain injury could be devastating.”

  Claire studied him. She was so close he could stare into the depths of her bluish-green eyes. She tilted her head to the side and pushed out a long sigh. His stomach tightened. She was going to be so ticked at him. A small smile played at her lips, and Brig caught a breath.

  “You’re right. I was letting my pride talk instead of my common sense. I can respect you protecting me from myself if …” She grinned and relief rushed over him. “You promise to teach me to slalom next time.”

  Brig’s grin was bigger than Claire’s. “That sounds like a plan.”

  The boat idled up next to them and interrupted their moment. Brig would’ve stayed in the water with her in his arms all day. Claire had so much grit and personality. She could definitely take on the world and come out the victor, but she was also willing to listen to him and not injure herself further. It was the first time he’d see her voluntarily slow down. If only she’d let him watch over her every day.

  Chapter Nine

  Despite having amnesia and knowing a vicious stalker was after her, today had been one of the best days Claire could remember. They spent most of the morning and early afternoon on the boat. The men tried out everything from wake-skating to knee-boarding, and all of them enjoyed the snacks and drinks Rudy had been thoughtful enough to pack. Afterwards, they had returned to the cabin, showered, and all worked together to prepare a meal of barbecued chicken, steak, salad, and Rudy’s “famous Dutch oven potatoes.” Rudy was quite the character and made Claire laugh. Beau was a nice guy who didn’t say a whole lot, and Brig was absolutely amazing. She couldn’t remember ever allowing a man to make decisions for her, but when Brig stopped her from waterskiing, it meant a lot. He was confident and brave enough to tell her no, and he cared too much to let her hurt herself.

  After dinner, Claire stood and started stacking plates. Rudy called out. “Hold it there, little miss. I think you’ve overtaxed yourself today out in the sun on the boat and all. You’d better take the boss for a walk down by the water.”

  Brig didn’t hide the grin Rudy’s idea brought out and neither did Claire. “I think a walk down by the water might overtax me more than dishes.” She teased Rudy.

  He chuckled. “Crash and burn, boss. I tried to help a brother out.”

stood and held out his hand to her. “Why don’t we try the walk and see? If you get ‘overtaxed’ I’ll carry you up to your room.”

  “Whoo-ee, go for it, boss!” Rudy hollered.

  Heat burned through Claire’s face and neck. Brig’s cheeks looked a little darker too. She put her hand in Brig’s, and the heat seemed to be everywhere as their palms and their eyes connected. She might have to jump in the lake to cool herself off if Brig kept looking at her like that and suggesting he carry her anywhere.

  “I guess I can risk the overtaxing.”

  Brig gave her a soft smile and tugged her to her feet. Claire fell in to step next to him, ignoring Rudy’s laughter and Beau’s knowing look. They walked out the side door and down the grass to the lakeside. The nighttime air was mild, and Claire felt comfortable in her knee-length, sleeveless, red sundress.

  She glanced over at Brig, his strong jaw shadowed in the light of a half-moon. She was tempted to pull him to a stop and kiss him long and hard, but if her messed-up memory served her right, she had been the one to initiate the kiss last night and ask him to extend it, which he’d wisely refused as she’d been out of her head. It was his turn to grab her and kiss her. And it had better be long and full of passion. She smiled to herself.

  “What are you smiling at?” Brig asked softly.

  She shook her head, not willing to tell him. “Tell me about you.”

  He quirked an eyebrow but obliged. “Nothing too interesting. Grew up in Denver. Got a degree at Arizona State.”

  “In what?” She prodded.

  “Law enforcement.”

  Those two words brought chills along her neck and made her think of Peyton. “And then you went into the Army?”

  “I joined the Army when I graduated high school. They paid for my undergrad. Then I accepted a full-time commission.”

  “After the Army is when you found Knox?”

  “I was his commanding officer in the Army.” He smirked. “He claims he used to be intimidated by me and that’s why he offered me my job. As if the Beast has ever been intimidated by anyone.”

  Claire thought that was probably true. Knox was definitely a force to be respected. To her, Brig wasn’t necessarily intimidating. He was more impressive. Thinking of Knox brought a rock to her gut as she imagined him waiting at his beautiful estate to do battle with her stalker. They’d had no word on the Gage guy since her building security had produced a video of him in her condo hallway from yesterday afternoon. None of his teammates had heard from him. He hadn’t shown up back at the hotel where Pittsburgh’s team was staying. Even Knox’s high-dollar private investigators hadn’t turned anything up.

  She brushed the stress away and asked Brig, “Is your family still in Denver?”

  He nodded. “My sisters have both married and live within half an hour of my parents. My brother who is just a bit younger than me is finishing up school at Yale. He’s almost as smart as my oldest sister who created her own lotion and perfume company. My baby brother graduates high school this year. He’s the athlete, one of the best attacks I’ve ever seen in lacrosse. He’s committed to Duke.”

  Claire noticed the pride in his voice. If his brother was more athletic than Brig, that would be impressive. “Is his season in the spring?”


  “I’d love to go see a game with you.”

  Brig turned to her. They’d walked almost a quarter of the way around the lake and were approaching a long dock she’d noticed today while they were boating. “I’d love to take you to a game.”

  Claire smiled and squeezed his hand. This was the second time today they’d made plans to do something beyond this weekend. It made Claire almost giddy to think of being with Brig regularly.

  He guided her toward the dock. “This is my friend, Terrence’s place. He’s usually only here in the summer.”

  They sauntered out to the end and stood together, looking at the half-moon reflecting off the water and the outline of dark trees along the shoreline. The water rippled gently with a soft breeze. It was the perfect spot for romance. Now if only Brig would be the one to initiate the kiss.

  Claire waited, her stomach tightening with worry that he wouldn’t initiate anything.

  “Claire,” Brig murmured.

  She turned to him. The moon lit up his gray hair and bright blue eyes. Those beautiful eyes studied her intently, but he didn’t say anything else or grab her and kiss her. Come on, come on! When enough time passed that she was feeling awkward, she grasped for something to say and finally blurted out, “Why is your hair gray?”

  Brig gave a surprised laugh. “It turned gray in the Army. I was barely twenty-two. Everybody seemed to like it, and I didn’t want to color my hair the rest of my life, so I just left it.” He looked down then back up. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it.” She admitted softly.

  More silence, then he shook his head. “Here I was trying to get the nerve up to kiss you and you’re wondering about my hair.”

  Claire’s mouth dropped open. “Why would you have to get your nerve up to kiss me?”

  Brig’s eyes widened. “Are you kidding me? You’re stunningly beautiful, hugely successful, fun, and smart, and you’ve turned me down more times than I can count.”

  Claire’s heart thumped faster. She slowly moved closer until they were inches apart, but she didn’t touch him. That was his move. She could feel his warm breath on her forehead though, and his musky scent made her stomach swoop. “Well, you are stunningly handsome, impressive, intimidating, tough, and smart, and I was dumb to ever turn you down.”

  The corner of Brig’s lips turned up. Then his slow smile emerged. He cupped her face with his palms and leaned down closer. “Are you trying to tell me you won’t slap me if I kiss you?”

  Claire returned his smile and lifted up onto tiptoes, grabbing on to his very solid biceps for stability. “I’ve been keeping track. The first time we kissed, you barely brushed my lips, and I extended it. The second time, I initiated the kiss, and you backed away.” She stared pointedly at him. “What I’m trying to tell you is three strikes and you’re out. If you don’t kiss me long and hard and good, I’m going to push you into the water.”

  Brig chuckled. He stared down at her like she was the most delightful person he’d ever encountered. His smile slowly faded as he tenderly traced one of his thumbs along her cheek. “Claire.” His voice went deep and husky.

  She thought he might say more, but he lowered his head instead and tenderly kissed her. His lips were … delicious was the only way to describe them. They tasted good and felt good, and all reason left the lakeside as his hands trailed down her neck and along her sides. He wrapped his hands around her hips as he deepened the kiss. Tingles erupted in her mouth and seemed to spread throughout her body.

  Claire flung her arms around his neck and jumped off the ground, wrapping her legs around his waist.

  “Whoa!” Brig laughed as he stumbled back a step.

  Claire felt them tipping backwards and realized too late that her rash movement had forced him off balance and he’d stepped back into thin air. They slipped off the dock, plunging into the dark water.

  Claire cried out and waited for the mouthful of water but it didn’t come. Brig was tall enough that the water only came up to his chin, and he held on to her, lifting her up and preventing her from getting a complete dunking. He roared out a laugh.

  “Sorry, too impulsive,” Claire said.

  “I love your impulsiveness.” Brig lifted her up closer and captured her lips again.

  With the water making her feel weightless, she kept her legs wrapped around his back and clung to Brig so she wouldn’t float away. He felt much closer now for some reason. Maybe it was their wet clothes but Claire savored the feel of his broad chest pressing against her and his strong hands moving against her back. The passionate touch of his mouth created a fire in her. His kiss was so much like him—solid, strong, and patient, yet the passion and urgency he kissed
her with took the Brig she knew to a whole new level.

  She could’ve gone on kissing him in the water all night. Sadly, he pulled back and smiled down at her. “We’d better get you back so you can rest. I can’t let myself forget you have a head injury.”

  Claire blinked up at him. “Thanks for taking care of me,” she muttered. All kinds of insecurities and worries surfaced as his arms loosened around her. She was falling for Brig too quickly. Why hadn’t she dated him before now? What was hidden in those three years that she needed to know to make a logical decision here?

  Claire unlocked her legs from around his waist and pushed away. She sank into the water without him holding her and treaded water quickly before grabbing onto the wooden dock. She launched herself onto the dock then scrambled to her feet and stumbled down it, anxious to put distance between her and Brig so he didn’t notice how she was reacting right now. Tears pricked at her eyelids, and she tried to will them away. That kiss had wrought too much out of her and confused her at the same time, or maybe it was the head injury. Whatever excuse she had, she wanted to go cry and eat chocolate.

  She could hear Brig behind her. He leapt onto the dock, and within half a second, he’d reached her. He wrapped his large arms around her from behind and pulled her back against his chest, stopping her in the middle of the dock. Leaning down, his cheek brushed hers as he murmured, “What did I do wrong?”

  Claire’s breath was coming hard and fast. She tried to blink away the tears, but they spilled out and down her cheeks. Brig gently turned her to face him. When he saw the tears, his mouth tightened. He tried to brush them away with the pad of his thumb, but they were coming too fast now. How embarrassing. This emotion had to be blamed on her head injury. From what she remembered, she was a rock emotionally.